
Veggie Instant Noodle 110g

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Veggie Instant Noodle 110g


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(GB)Ingredients: Non-GMO soybean, Wheat flour, palm oil, potato starch, soy sauce, garlic, salt, malt, wheat starch, sugar, shiitake mushrooms, spring onions, ginger, yeast powder, seaweed, chili, black pepper.

(D)Zutaten: No-GMO soyabohne, Weizenmehl, Palmöl, Kartoffelstärke, Sojasauce, Knoblauch, Salz, Malz, Weizenstärke, Zucker, Shiitake-Pilze, Frühlingszwiebeln, Ingwer, Hefepulver, Seetang, Chili, schwarzer Pfeffer.

Weight: 110g ± 5%

(GB)Expiration Date: Marked on the seal.

(D)Mindesten haltbar bis: Siehe praegung.

No Msg, No-GMO Soybean, No Alcohol. 

成    分: 小麥粉、棕櫚油、馬鈴薯澱粉、醬油、大蒜、鹽、麥芽、小麥澱粉、糖、香菇、蔥、薑、酵母粉、大豆、海藻、辣椒、黑胡椒、。


不含味精、非基因改造大豆。 無蛋  無酒   重    量: 110g ± 5%  

Importeur:Formosa Handels GmbH,  Barnabitengasse 6, 1060 Wien;  Tel.: +431/5811112

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